Gorilla Expense provides a feature where users can add HCP Cost Allocation to their Expense Reports for Aggregate Spend Reporting (Sunshine Act) related regulation for the Life Sciences / Pharma industry. The users can add HCP Cost Center Allocation on the individual expense line(s) by clicking on the "HCP Cost Center Allocation" link present on the Create Report Screen highlighted in the below screenshot:


The user is presented with the below HCP Cost Allocation pop-up screen upon clicking the HCP Cost Allocation link on the Create Expense Report page. 


Not all the expense lines have the functionality to add HCP Allocation. We configure a field called “Project” which then drives the functionality of which projects can have the HCP Allocation. The Project drop-down on HCP Cost Allocation pop-up list all the Projects having HCP Cost Allocation enabled.

Once the user selects a project from the Project drop-down, Expense Details section lists all the expense lines present on the expense report having the selected Project along with its mapped Purpose and Product (can be configured as optional fields).

Once the user selects the expense line in the Expense Details section (refer to the screenshot below), the Event Amount section displays the Amount that is present on the Expense Line. The user can enter the number of company and /or client Employees present in the event on # Client Employees textbox, and the number of people who did not show up for the event in # No Shows textbox.   


To Add HCPs on the HCP Cost Allocation pop-up, the user needs to click on Search HCPs button (highlighted in below screenshot)

Search HCP pop-up is displayed as shown in below screenshot once the user clicks on Search HCP button:

User can search HCPs on this screen by providing License State AND Contract Id (Internal Access Control Field to limit access to certain HCPs a user should not be charging to – default access is “ALL” HCPs) AND either Last Name or NPI Number or SLN. Once the user provides proper information and clicks Search, it is presented with the list of HCPs based on the search criteria as shown in the below screenshot. The user can now select a HCP and Click on Done. 






Once the user selects an HCP and clicks “Done” as shown in the above screenshot, the HCP gets assigned to the selected expense line(s) (see the screenshot below- refer to the Assigned HCP / Affiliates section). Multiple HCPs can be added on the HCP Cost Allocation, also, once the user has added the HCPs, the # HCP textbox starts calculating the number of HCPs added, as shown in the below screenshot. Also, you will notice that based on the count entered the # Client Employee, # No Shows, Event Amount and # HCP we calculate the “Per Participant Cost”. Event amount is the total of the amount field on all selected expense lines.




Users can now add the Affiliates that were present on the event with the HCP by clicking on Add/View Affiliates link (refer to the bottom part of the above screenshot). Clicking on this link user is presented with Add/Edit Affiliates pop-up:

Users can add rows to add affiliates, please note that all the fields on Add/Edit Affiliates are mandatory.

Once the user added the details of the Affiliates clicks Done, then clicks Exit, the affiliate details are saved and the user is sent back to the HCP Cost Allocation pop up. In addition, “# Affiliate Staff” field starts displaying the number of Affiliates added for the HCP(s). Please refer to the screenshot below. Also note that the affiliates assigned to the HCP get auto-saved as Favorites for all users in the system, so that the next user does not have to enter the same info.

Users can add affiliates for all the HCPs that are already assigned. Once all affiliates are assigned, the “#Affiliated Staff” field will reflect the total number of Affiliated Staff automatically. (Refer to the screenshot below). The “Per Participant Cost” text box will display per participant cost using the below formula:  Event Amount / (# Client Employee + # No Shows + # Affiliate Staff + # HCP)


Once the user fills in all the details and clicks Save on HCP Cost Allocation, the user is presented with a success message “Cost allocation group saved successfully”. As shown in below screenshot:


Clicking on Done (highlighted on the above screenshot), closes the HCP Cost Allocation pop-up the user is presented with the Create Report screen. The expense line for which the HCP Cost Allocation was added will now have a Cost Allocation icon next to it under the Cost Alloc column as displayed in the below screenshot:



The other 2 Expense lines are having projects for which HCP Cost Allocation is not enabled, thus it is not required to add HCP Cost Allocation for these expense line.

Clicking on Cost Allocation icon, the HCP Cost Allocation pop-up opens in Read-Only mode as displayed in below screen: