In this section, additional fields can be enabled at the expense transaction level. The maximum number of fields that can be enabled is eight. These fields can be enabled differently for different roles that are set up in the application (See Role section above). These fields are shown in the application to the users/managers based on their roles and if the role they belong to have these fields enabled.
Map Expense details to Role
The available fields are shown on the list. To change the labels for these fields check the blog Rename existing field labels. The Enable checkbox column next to the field labels will enable or disable the fields. Similarly, by checking the Mandatory column checkbox the respective fields will be made mandatory for the user to enter data. If not checked, the field will be optional.
If the “Add to Amount” column is checked for a field, the value entered in that field will be added to the value entered in the Amount column. This configuration is used for GST/PST tax calculation only for Canadian customers.
Similarly, if “Multiply By Amount” is chosen from the dropdown, the value entered into this field will always be multiplied by the Amount field on the transaction screen. A pre-requisite to choose “Multiply By Amount” would be the existence of at least one expense type that has the “Enable Multiplier” flag checked.
Click on the "Masters" tab --> select the "Role Expense Detail Mapping" as shown below.
Select the Role for which you want to enable additional fields as shown below.
On the role expense detail mapping screen, enable the fields by checking on the checkbox next to the field labels. Similarly, by checking the Mandatory column checkbox the respective fields will be made mandatory for the user to enter data. If not checked, the field will be optional. To save the changes click on the Save button as shown below.
Once you have mapped the fields to the role then log in as a user (who is assigned to that specific role to which the fields are mapped) --> go to the Expenses --> click on Add New Expense and verify the mapped fields are visible to the user.