The "Masters" tab when clicked expands into multiple fields. This is where various parameters specific to different functions within the application are defined and stored. During the initial setup of the application, Gorilla Expense will set up certain parameters per the requirements of the customer.

1.  Company:

Click on the "Masters" tab --> select the "Company" as shown below.

It will show you the list of Companies in the application.

To create a new company click on a "Create New" button as shown below.

The fields are described below.

a.  Company Name (Required): Enter the Name of the company.

b. Company code (Required): Enter the GL Code of the new company (GP/NAV specific field – if you are not using GP/NAV, it can be left empty. Populate this field if you have company code as part of your GL Account segments while pushing expenses to Great Plains). This field can also be used to populate a NAV dimension. If this field is enabled the mapping can be configured in the integration app.

c.  Company Id (Optional): Enter the ID of the new company (GP specific field, company ID is the backend value of the company. This can be found from the SQL server using the following SQL- SELECT cmpanyid, cmpnynam, interid FROM dymanics.dbo.sy01500).

d.  Connection string (Optional): Enter the Connection string required to connect to the Microsoft GP Web Services – if you are not using GP, it can be left empty.

e.  Logo (Required): Enter the Logo of your company. This will be printed on the PDF preview of the expense report.

Fill-up the required data and click on a "Create" button.

The newly created company will get displayed on the company list.

Edit Company:- The small pencil icon is for editing the Company as shown below:

Delete Company:- The red bin icon is to delete the Company as shown below.

2.  Business Unit:

Click on the "Masters" tab --> select the "Business Unit" as shown below.

It will show you the list of Business Units in the application.

To create a new business unit click on a "Create New" button as shown below.

The fields are described below:

a.  Company Name (Required): Select the company if you want the Business Unit to be tied to a specific company.

b.  Business Unit code (Required): Enter the code of the Business Unit (Microsoft GP/NAV specific field - This field can be used to derive part of the GL Account Segment while pushing expenses to GP)This field can also be used to map NAV dimension. The actual segment/dimension mapping is done in the integration app.

c.  Business Unit Description (Required): Enter the Business Unit description.

Fill-up the required data and click on a "Create" button.

The newly created business unit will get displayed on the business unit list.


  1. If the business units are also used within the ERP/Accounting system, it is recommended that the entries match here. 
  2. Business Unit Codes and Business Unit Descriptions cannot be repeated. If attempted, the application will provide an error noting that the entry already exists.

Edit Business Unit:- The small pencil icon is for editing the Business Unit as shown below:

Delete Business Unit:- The Red bin icon is to delete the Business Unit entry as shown below:

3.  Create a Cost Center:

Click on the "Masters" tab --> select the "Cost Center" as shown below.

It will show you the list of Cost Centers in the application.

To create a new cost center click on the "Create New" button as shown below:

The fields are described below:

a.  Company (Optional): Select the company if you want the cost center to be tied to a specific company.

b.  Business Unit (Optional): Select Business Unit if you want the cost center to be tied to a specific Business Unit.

c.  Cost Center code (Required): Enter the Code of the Cost Center -also, known as Department (Microsoft GP/NAV specific field - This field can be used to derive part of the GL Account Segment while pushing expenses to GP) This field can also be used to map NAV dimension. The actual segment/dimension mapping is done in the integration app.

d.  Description (Required): Enter the description of the Cost Center.

Fill-up the required data and click on a "Create" button.

The newly created cost center will get displayed on the cost center list.


  1. If the cost centers are also used within the ERP/Accounting system, it is recommended that the entries match here for a seamless integration
  2. Cost Center Codes and Descriptions cannot be repeated. If attempted, the application will provide an error noting that the entry already exits
  3. For these cost centers to be visible within a user’s or manager’s account, they must be enabled within Report Type

Edit Cost Center: - The small pencil icon is for editing the Cost Center

Once you have created the new Company, Business Unit, and Cost Center then log in as a user --> go to the Expenses --> click on Add New Expense and verify the new Company, Business Unit, and Cost Center are visible to the user.