This feature helps in mapping individual expense types to projects or vice versa. Customers who want to restrict the list of expense types available to charge to based on the project the user has selected on the expense line, can effectively limit the list of expense types easily using this feature. With this feature, the admin can map multiple expense types to a single project OR map multiple projects to a single expense type.
Click on the "Project Masters" tab --> Select the "Project Expense Type Mapping" as shown below.
There are two types of mappings:
1. Project Expense Type Mapping
2. Expense Type Project Mapping
1. Project Expense Type Mapping:
If you want to assign the project-wise expense types then select the "Project Expense Type Mapping"
On the Project Expense Type Mapping screen, you can assign/unassign the expense for a particular project and customer.
Select the desired project for which the expense type needs to be assigned. Then select the expense types from the unassigned expense types list box and use button ">>" to map the selected expense types under assigned expense types list box and click on the "Save" button as shown below.
2. Expense Type Project Mapping:
If you want to map the expense type-wise projects then select the "Expense Type Project Mapping".
On the Expense Type Project Mapping screen, you can map/unmap the projects for a particular expense type.
From the "Expense Type" dropdown select the desired expense type for which the project needs to be mapped. Then select the projects from the unmapped projects list box and use button ">>" to map the selected projects under the mapped projects list box and click on the "Save" button as shown below.