Admin can set up pay methods in the application. Generally, pay methods falls into two categories – Cash and Corporate Card. The cash pay method corresponds to reimbursable transactions (also commonly referred to as out-of-pocket), while the corporate card corresponds to non-reimbursable transactions. Multiple corporate card pay methods can be created if more than one corporate card is used. 

1. Pay Method:

Click on the "Masters" tab --> select the "Pay Method" as shown below.

You can see the list of pay method exists in the application.

2. Create New Pay Method:

Click on the "Create New" button as shown below.

The fields in bold are required.

Description of the fields:

Pay Method Name:

The Method Name entered will be visible to the user in the Pay Method drop-down list within a transaction in the application.

Pay Method Code:

The Method Code corresponds to the Vendor #  that is set up in the ERP/Accounting system. Typically for the cash type pay method, this code defaults to the employee’s Vendor ID/user code (no admin intervention is needed. The application defaults that automatically during integration). Only for corporate credit cards, this field is relevant. Any corporate card expense will post to the Vendor # mentioned in this field while creating Payable Invoices in your accounting system duirng integration.


The Reimbursable checkbox establishes if the particular Pay Method is reimbursable to the employee or not. Typically for the cash type pay method, this is checked.

Not reimbursable pay methods:

If the users have a corporate card, they will NOT have to choose a pay-method as it will be already selected for them (it will be derived from credit card profile) and they won't be able to change the pay-method on the corporate card expenses. Having this configuration is very important, otherwise, reconciling will become very difficult. There are several reports that help with reconciling credit card statements and they all rely on the right Pay Method being selected on each corproate card expense.

If the users use a personal card, then they should be able to select any pay-method which is of type "Reimbursable". You can have several Pay Methods in the system that are reimbursable and they all will be available to the user to select from. 

Only the "Non-Reimbursable" pay methods won't be available for selection.

Set As Default Method:

The Set As Default Method checkbox sets up the particular Pay Method as the default. Only one default can be set up at a time. This is something you would do typically if you have more than one "Reimbursable" Pay Method. If you have more than one "Not-Reimbursable" Pay Method, then the default is set on the user's Credit Card Profile (link available under Settings)

Pay method created for a corporate credit card as shown below.

Pay method created for a cash-based transaction as shown below.