We can handle this in one of the following ways:
1) Each line on the expense report can go to the respective company in BC depending on the company tagged on that line. The downside of this approach is that consistent vendor numbers need to be maintained across all companies and each company will have to issue the respective payment to the employee
2) If Binary Stream MEM is implemented we can support that as well and send every line to the same database and let MEM handle the inter-company
3) We can send all lines on the expense report to a single company and on each line in BC tag the corresponding company to either a custom Inter-company field or a dimension field. This approach assumes the client has customization in BC that can then do the inter-company postings based on the fields Gorilla Expense integration has populated (I.e. inter-company field or dimension field). The upside of this approach is that a single payment has to be issued from BC