How to provide Integration app access to the user?
The user can access the integration app only when the admin provides the integration app access to the user. Following is a step-by-step process to provide Integration app access to the user, the only pre-requisite is that the user to whom the access is configured should be a ‘Manager’.
Step – 1: Log in to the application as an ‘Admin’, under the ‘Masters’ menu click on the ‘User’ option
Step – 2: On the manage users page select the user for whom the integration app access needs to be provided and select the pencil icon in the action column as shown in the screen shot below.
Step – 3: On the Edit user screen make sure the user is of user type ‘Manager’ if not change the user type to ‘Manager’ and click on ‘Save’ option to save the changes and repeat Step-2. If user already a manager then select the option ‘Advanced Authorizations’ at the bottom of the screen as shown in the screen shot below.
Step – 4: On the Advanced Authorization screen tick on the check box ‘Admin Access to Integration App’ and click on the ‘Save’ option.
Using the above steps User can be provided the ‘Admin Access to the Integration App’