The user can access the admin menus by switching to the Admin Console. The Admin Console allows the user to configure parameters such as create Users, set up Expense Types, Pay Methods, etc. Follow the steps given below to provide the Admin Console access to the user.

1. Using admin account, go to the Masters => select the option User.

2. Search and Edit the required user profile by clicking on the small pencil icon as shown below.

3. Make sure the user has the User Type as Manager, if not then first change the User Type as Manager and Save, then on the user profile you will see the link as Advanced Authorizations at the bottom as shown below.

4. Click on the Advanced Authorizations link, then go to the Admin Authorization tab and select the Admin Access checkbox. It will show you ‘Masters’ as the default menu selected under Select Menu Option and its associated sub-menus on the popup like below. If you want to provide full admin access (admin access to all menus and sub-menus) to the manager user, click on the Save button.

5. If you want to provide menu-wise admin access i.e. for specific menus => sub-menus then refer to the below steps (i, ii, iii)

i. Admin access can be set for each of the menus from ‘Select Menu Option’  by selecting a menu for which access is to be set and then provide access right to its sub-menus as required.


ii. You can provide specific access rights on the sub-menus. There are 3 access rights:


  • Create, Read, Update, Delete: The manager user will be able to access the sub-menu with full access i.e. he can create, read, update and delete the master data of the sub-menu.
  • Read Only: The manager user will be able to access the sub-menu in read-only mode i.e Manager user cannot create or update the master data of the sub-menu.
  • None: Manager user cannot access the sub-menu when access right set to ‘None’.

iii. Click on Save to save the configuration.

6. Once the user login into the application, the user can switch to the admin console by hovering the cursor on the user name.

7. Click on OK to switch to the Admin Console.

8. With the help of the Admin Console the user can access admin menus as per the provided rights.

9. If the user wants to go back to User Console, then he can hover a cursor on his name and see the “User Console” option like below.