If you recently got a new corporate credit card or are a new user, make sure that your account has a credit card profile on it and it corresponds to the credit card number on your credit card.
To add Credit Card Profile to process bank expenses, please follow below steps:
1) Login into the web application
2) Go to Settings=>Credit Card Profile (Admins can do this for end-users as well)
3) If you do not see your current credit card listed on this screen, click on the 'Create New' button.
4) Add details of the new credit card like Credit Card Number, Bank Name, Account Type (as Credit Card), assign any unique Profile Name. If you are an admin, you will see an additional field called "User Name", which will let you assign this profile to a particular user. In addition, to these fields if there are any additional fields, you can enter default values in those fields - these entered values will be set as default values on the imported credit card expenses.
Please note that after adding the credit card profile, if you have any expenses made on the card, they will get processed within 24 hours. Typically, we process expenses that were not processed due to missing credit card profile automatically and we do so for the last 20 days once the credit card profile is created. If you need expenses older than that please contact support@gorillaexpense.com
Once the credit card expenses are processed, you can view them by going to Transactions->Pending Tab on Web application and under Expenses->Bank ->Pending tab on Mobile App. In case, if you are not able to view the expenses on Mobile App, pull down the screen for refresh and check.