If you have 1 or 2 level(s) of approval, you can always add additionl level(s) as required from the admin account.
There are three things that need to be done 1) Add a new level in the Status Master and 2) link it correctly to previous and next approval levels 3) Then go to each user profile and assign a manager corresponding to the new level that was added.
Note: The application used for documentation had 3 pre-configured approval levels. 'Submitted to Manager' is the first level followed by 'Manager Approved - Level 1' which is the second level followed by 'Manager Approved - Level 2' which is the third level. We'll create another level of approval on top of these three levels (fourth level). Please try to relate this scenario with your setup. You may only have 1 level or more than 1 level, however, this article will still give you a good understanding of how to add an additional level. If this sounds too complicated, please email support@gorillaexpense.com and create a ticket. We will be happy to do this for you.
Part 1 - Adding New Approval Level ('Manager Approved - Level 3')
The status master can be found at Menu -> Masters -> Status (as shown below)
Steps (Adding the 4th Level)
1. After navigating to the 'Status Master' you will see the following pre-configured status list.
2. Click on 'Create New'
Fill the required information on the form that shows up. At the status level, you also will need to define the email notification content that is sent out to the approver when the expense report reaches this approval level.
Also, Make sure the 'Next Approval Status' and 'Next Reject Status' is configured as per the workflow.
Use the following data to fill in the required information.
Category: Manager
Status: Manager Approved - Level 3 (Or the relevant status in your case)
Email Subject: Expense Report Alert For #FirstName #LastName
Email Body: Greetings,<br><br>Expense Report #ReportName for #FirstName #LastName in the amount of $#SubTotal has been updated.<br><br>Please visit the following link to review or approve the expense report - <a href="#ApplicationLink">#ApplicationLink</a><br><br>Regards,<br>Gorilla Expense
Next Approval Status: As this level is going to be the final approval level, we'll select the 'Manager Approved - All Levels' as the next step.
Next Rejection Status: Set it to 'Approver Rejected'
Note: Do not select any of the checkboxes on this form.
Click on 'Create'. Perform Part 2 very carefully as it may mess up the existing status levels and user profile configurations.
Part 2 - Linking the Previous Status to New Status
We have created a 4th Level (Manager Approved - Level 3) and it's next approval and rejection steps are configured in Part 1. However, we now need to tell the previous level (3rd level i.e. Manager Approvel - Level 2) that the next level is "Manager Approved - Level 3"
1. After creating a new level. Go back to the 'Status Master' list.
2. Go to the 3rd level (that was already pre-configured) - 'Manager Approved - Level 2'
3. Click on Edit (as shown below)
4. Update the 'Next Approval Status' field ONLY. (Do not change any other field)
Click on 'Save'.
This completes the activities required for creating the new approval level and configuration changes. For implementing the new configurations please read part 3.
Part 3 - Updating the User Profiles
You will have to update all the existing user profiles with this new status/level. Go to each user profile and update the 'Multi-Level Approval' and add the Manager assigned to the user at this level of approval.
Please refer to this detailed tutorial to How to Assign Manager to User Profile?
Verify the new status is updated on user-profiles and is properly linked to the previously existing statuses/levels by creating a new report and checking the timeline shown at the top of the report to make sure the new level is added. The level should also display who the manager is assigned at that level