Reminders for Expenses

Another simple yet powerful tool from Gorilla Expense is the Reminders. This helps you in reminding the Employees for certain actions they must perform within the system like submitting or approving expense reports within a certain timeline. Imagine a way to let your busy Employee know about a pending expense report submission. Or a Manager who needs to approve an expense to facilitate timely reimbursements. To achieve all this and much more, go to Settings > Reminders. You can always contact and let us know what type of reminder you want to configure and we will do it for you at no extra cost.

Based on the business needs, let us see how and what type of reminders can be configured:

There are 5 types of reminders

  • Not Created and Pending Submission Reminder – Reminds end-users to create and submit an expense report at least once during a predefined time period (weekly, bi-monthly, monthly)
  • Created Not Submitted Reminder – Reminds end-users to submit expense reports that have been created more than a pre-defined number of days ago
  • Pending Approval Reminder – Reminds end-users to approve expense reports that are awaiting their approval since more than a pre-defined number of days
  • Unsubmitted Bank Transaction Reminder - Reminds end-users to complete credit card transactions imported from the credit card feed and assign them to a report. Reminders are sent if the end-user has not done so after a pre-defined number of days have passed since the transaction was imported into Gorilla Expense
  • Pending Approval Reminder (Escalation) - This type of reminder is designed to trigger the escalation reminder if the manager does not approve the reports for "Predefined Number of Days" since it was submitted. This escalation email is sent to the escalation contact maintained on the user’s profile whose expense has not been approved by his manager for more than the pre-defined number of days.

Not Created and Pending Submission

Use this option to remind an employee if no reports are created within a predefined period (weekly, bi-monthly or monthly) after a set number of “Predefined” days have passed This is particularly useful for customers who require their employees to create at least one expense report every week or every two weeks or every month.

For example, a user can be reminded to create an expense report if he hasn’t created an expense report 7 days after month-end in case you configure the pre-defined mandatory submission period to be once every month. Once the condition is met, the system will continue to send a reminder every day till the user creates an expense report for that month. Follow the following steps to configure this type of reminder-

  • Login to the application with the admin credentials
  • Go to Settings -> Reminders and click on Create New

 Fill out the details as follow:

Reminder Configuration

Reminder Type                 :               Expense

Name                               :               Reminder for Not Created and Pending Submission

Category                          :               Not Created and Pending Submission

Scheduler Type                 :               Reminder

To                                    :               #User (This will send the reminder to the user. The hashtag user will be replaced by the user’s email address) 

CC                                   :               #Manager (This will CC the manager the hashtag manager will be replaced by the manager’s email address)

Email Subject                   :               #FirstName #LastName you have not created an expense report for the last #DurationInActionDays days (This can be any email subject you desire to have – the hashtags will be replaced by actual values. Refer the table below to understand which hashtags are available to be put in the Email Subject)

Email Body                        :               Greetings, #FirstName #LastName, you have not created an expense report for the last #DurationInActionDays days. Please visit the following link to create any outstanding expense report- #ApplicationLink <br>Regards, <br>The Gorilla Expense Team (This can be any email body you desire to have – the hashtags will be replaced by actual values. Refer the table below to understand which hashtags are available to be put in the Email Body)

Duration InAction Days    :               7

Recurring Panel (e.g. Set to remind the user everyday)

Repeat                            :               Daily

Every                              :               1 Days

Stats On                          :               6/1/2017

Ends On                          :               Never

The following hashtags are available for “Not Created and Pending Submission” type of the reminder:

Created and Pending Submission

This type of reminder is designed to remind any user who has an expense report that was created but never submitted after a pre-defined number of days have passed. So, for example, you could use this reminder to remind a user who has a report ending on 30th June, but has not submitted it for another 7 days (which is the pre-defined configurable value) till 7th of July. So, on 8th July, a reminder email would be sent. This email could again be sent as per the recurring schedule defined on the reminder job. Reminder email will be sent only if the criteria described above is met.

Reminder Configuration

Reminder Type                :               Expense

Name                               :               Expense Report Created But Pending For Submission

Category                          :               Created and Pending Submission

Scheduler Type                :               Reminder

To                                     :               #User (This will send the reminder to the user. The hashtag user will be replaced by the user’s email address)

CC                                    :               #Manager (This will CC the manager the hashtag manager will be replaced by the manager’s email address)

Email Subject                   :               #FirstName #LastName There are expense reports pending for submission! (This can be any email subject you desire to have – the hashtags will be replaced by actual values. Refer the table below to understand which hashtags are available to be put in the Email Subject)

Email Body                          :         Greetings,<br><br>#FirstName #LastName, You have not submitted bank transactions for the last  #DurationInActionDays days.<br><br>Please visit the following link to submit any outstanding expense bank transactions-<br> #ApplicationLink <br><br> #Details <br><br>Regards,<br>The Gorilla Expense Team (This can be any email body you desire to have – the hashtags will be replaced by actual values. Refer the table below to understand which hashtags are available to be put in the Email Body)

Duration InAction Days         :               7

Recurring Panel (e.g. Set to remind the user everyday)

Repeat                                 :               Daily

Every                                   :               1 Days

Stats On                               :               7/7/2017

Ends On                                :               Never

The following hashtags are available for “Created and Pending Submission” type of the reminder:

Pending Approval Reminder

This type of reminder is designed to look for any expense report that has not been approved since more than "Predefined Number of Days" since it was submitted. This email could again be sent as per the recurring schedule defined on the reminder job. A reminder email will be sent only if the criteria described above is met.

Reminder Configuration

Reminder Type                 :               Expense

Name                               :               Reminder For Pending For Approval

Category                           :               Pending Approval Reminder

Scheduler Type                 :               Reminder

To                                     :               #Manager (This will send the reminder to the manager. The hashtag user will be replaced by the manager’s email address)

Email Subject                    :               There are expense reports pending your approval! (This can be any email subject you desire to have – the hashtags will be replaced by actual values. Refer the table below to understand which hashtags are available to be put in the Email Subject)

Email Body                        :               Greetings,<BR>Reminder - There are expense reports pending your approval! Please login to approve the expense report. The details are as follows: #Details. The login URL is #ApplicationLink<BR><BR>Regards,<BR>Gorilla Expense (This can be any email body you desire to have – the hashtags will be replaced by actual values. Refer the table below to understand which hashtags are available to be put in the Email Body)

Duration InAction Days      :               7

Recurring Panel (e.g. Set to remind the user every week on Monday)

Repeat                              :               Weekly

Every                                :               1 Week(s)

Repeat On                         :               Mon

Stats On                            :               7/3/2017

Ends On                            :               Never

The following hashtags are available for “Pending Approval Reminder” type of the reminder:

Unsubmitted Bank Transaction Reminder

This type of reminder is designed to check if a user has any un-submitted transactions imported from the credit card feed that were imported more than the "Predefined Number of Days" ago, but not attached to an expense report. This “Predefined Number of Days” can be any number of days greater than 0. The reminder email could be sent as per the recurring schedule defined on the reminder job. Reminder email will be sent only if the criteria described above is met.

Reminder Configuration

Reminder Type                :               Expense

Name                               :               Reminder For Unsubmitted Bank Transaction

Category                          :               Unsubmitted Bank Transaction Reminder

Scheduler Type                :               Reminder

To                                     :               #User (This will send the reminder to the user. The hashtag user will be replaced by the user’s email address)

CC                                    :               #Manager (This will CC the manager the hashtag manager will be replaced by the manager’s email address)

Email Subject                   :               #FirstName #LastName have not submitted bank transaction for the last  #DurationInActionDays days (This can be any email subject you desire to have – the hashtags will be replaced by actual values. Refer the table below to understand which hashtags are available to be put in the Email Subject)

Email Body                       :              Greetings,<br><br>#FirstName #LastName, You have not submitted bank transactions for the last  #DurationInActionDays days.<br><br>Please visit the following link to submit any outstanding expense bank transactions-<br> #ApplicationLink <br><br> #Details <br><br>Regards,<br>The Gorilla Expense Team (This can be any email body you desire to have – the hashtags will be replaced by actual values. Refer the table below to understand which hashtags are available to be put in the Email Body)

Duration InAction Days         :               7

Recurring Panel (e.g. Set to remind the user every week on Monday)

Repeat                               :               Weekly

Every                                 :               1 Week(s)

Repeat On                          :               Mon

Stats On                             :               7/3/2017

Ends On                             :               Never

The following hashtags are available for “Unsubmitted Bank Transaction” type of the reminder:

Pending Approval Reminder (Escalation)

This type of reminder is designed to trigger the escalation reminder if the manager does not approve the reports for "Predefined Number of Days" since it was submitted. This escalation email is sent to the escalation contact maintained on the user’s profile whose expense has not been approved by his manager for more than the pre-defined number of days. This email could again be sent as per the recurring schedule defined on the reminder job. A reminder email will be sent only if the criteria described above is met.

Reminder Configuration

Reminder Type                 :               Expense

Name                               :               Escalation - Pending Approval Reminder

Category                           :               Pending Approval Reminder (Escalation)

Scheduler Type                 :               Reminder

To                                    :               #EscalationContact (This will send the reminder to the escalation contact maintained on the user profile. The hashtag user will be replaced by the contact’s email address)

CC                                    :               #Manager (This will CC the manager the hashtag manager will be replaced by the manager’s email address)

Email Subject                     :               Escalation: The expense reports are not approved (This can be any email subject you desire to have – the hashtags will be replaced by actual values. Refer the table below to understand which hashtags are available to be put in the Email Subject)

Email Body                         :               Greetings,<BR>Reminder - There are expense reports pending for the approval! The details are as followed: Please login to view the details. #Details. <BR>The login URL is #ApplicationLink<BR><BR>Regards,<BR>Gorilla Expense (This can be any email body you desire to have – the hashtags will be replaced by actual values. Refer the table below to understand which hashtags are available to be put in the Email Body)

Duration InAction Days         :               7

Recurring Panel (e.g. Set to remind the user every week on Monday)

Repeat                                 :               Daily

Every                                   :               1 Day(s)

Stats On                               :               6/16/2017

Ends On                               :               Never

The following hashtags are available for “Pending Approval Reminder(Escalation)” type of the reminder: