Configure Gorilla Expense for SAML Based SSO Using Okta
Step 1) Login to Okta as an Admin, go to Applications and then Gorilla Expense. Please refer to the screen below. If you do not see Gorilla Expense in the application list, click on Add Application and search for Gorilla Expense and then Add it to you Applications list.
Step 2) Click on the Sign On tab and then “View SAML Setup Instructions”
Step 3) Copy the Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL and
the X-509 Certificate from this screen
Step 4) Go to Gorilla Expense web application and login as an admin. If you do not have admin login credentials it would typically mean that you are not currently a customer of Gorilla Expense. You can contact for a free trial so that we could provision an application instance for you and provide you with an admin username and password.
Step 5) Once logged in as Admin, go to Settings -> SAML Configuration to update the details from Step 3. Select Authentication Type as Okta, copy IDP SSO URL from step 3 and certificate from Step 3 and paste in the corresponding fields shown below. IDP SSO logout URL will have the same host as IDP SSO URL, but after the host please add “/login/signout” (refer to screen shot below)
Step 6) Once SAML configuration is done go back to Okta and signin. Then click on Gorilla Expense link. You will Single-Sign-On into Gorilla Expense. As an alternative, you could directly go to to sign in.