You can configure email alerts sent upon approval or rejection of an expense report by going to Masters->Status. If you want to customize the email body or subject, you can add hashtags mentioned below in the body or subject of the email by going to Masters->Status->Edit or write to and we will help you setup your custom email alert.

To personalize alerts, admin user can add additional Hashtags in the email subject as well as email body. Below is the list of these Hashtags and their corresponding meanings -

Email HashtagsMeaningsNotes
#FirstNameFirst Name of the userApplicable to subject as well as email body
#LastNameLast Name of the userApplicable to subject as well as email body
#ExpenseConfNoExpense Confirmation NumberApplicable to subject as well as email body
#TotalTotal ReimbursableApplicable to email body only
#SubTotalTotal Reimbursable + Total Non-ReimbursableApplicable to email body only
#TotalNRTotal Not-Reimbursable Applicable to email body only
#ReportNameName of the ReportApplicable to email body only
#CurrencyDefault Currency from User Profile. Also, the currency for #Total and #SubtotalApplicable to email body only
#CurrentStatusCurrent Status of the ReportApplicable to email body only
#ReviewerRemarkApproval Or Rejection Remarks entered by the manager/reviewerApplicable to email body only
#ReviewerName of the ReviewerApplicable to email body only
#AuditTrailPrints HTML Table with Audit Trail information showing changes made by the manager/reviewer (if any) before approving the report. We recommend placing this at the end of the email. Applicable to email body only
#ApplicationLinkURL link to access the websiteApplicable to email body only
#TransactionDetailsApplicable for Line Level Approvals ONLY - When line level transactions are rejected by manager then the rejected transaction details list will be sent to the user in the email bodyApplicable to email body only
#ImpersonatorName When a report has been created and submitted by an impersonator, then the impersonator name can be added in the email body Applicable to email body only