For detailed information on each column available in the Employee / Manager Data Import Templateplease refer -Employee/ Manager Data Import File Details


For a detailed tutorial on how to Import employees, please refer - Employee Data Import Tutorial

Assign Manager  

Post import of employees successfully (Ref: Employee import section ) Managers can be assigned to the imported employees by choosing “Select All” option or manually select the employees to whom managers have be assigned. Selecting the “Assign Managers” button triggers the process of manager assignment for successful assignment the records turn green else in case of unsuccessful assignment the record turns orange


After successfully Assigning managers to employees user should login to user should login to Gorilla Expense Web Application as an Admin and go to to Masters tab -> Users and select the Edit option(Pencil icon) to check if the assigned managers  are displayed in gorilla expense manager (below figure) or manually select the employees to whom managers have be assigned. Selecting the “Assign Managers” button triggers the process of manager assignment for successful assignment the records turn green else in case of unsuccessful assignment the record turns orange