This solution provides the detailed information on each column available in the Employee / Manager Data Import Template
Column Name | Required | Description |
/Optional | ||
Action | Optional | Choose from the available two options 'Create' to create new employee record or 'Update' to update the existing records, if applicable Else leave empty |
EmpCode | Optional | Enter employee HR code - this field is applicable only if exporting expense data to a payroll system or importing data from Travel Booking Back Office System. If you are not going to do any of the above leave the field blank and it will be defaulted to Vendor Number (Column B) |
VendorNumber | Required | Enter employee vendor number associated with the user as specified in the ERP/Accounting system. This should be an alphanumeric value. Vendor Number is Not Applicable - if vendor card is created automatically |
EmpFirstName | Required | Employee First Name |
EmpLastName | Required | Employee Last Name |
Required | Employee email address. This should be a valid email, as this will become the user's login username and be used for all future communications by the system | |
PhoneNumber | Required | This should be a numeric value. Default to 800-800-8000 if this field is not applicable or leave it empty |
MileageRate | Required | This has to be entered as a decimal value , it can vary for different user type like the mileage rate can be different for employee and manager or can be defaulted to a single value |
AddressLine1 | Optional | Can be left blank or populated with the requisite Address |
AddressLine2 | Optional | Can be left blank or populated with the requisite Address |
AddressCountry | Optional | Can be left blank or populated with the requisite Address Country |
AddressState | Optional | Can be left blank or populated with the requisite Address State |
City | Optional | Can be left blank or populated with the requisite City |
ZipCode | Optional | Can be left blank or populated with the requisite Zipcode |
UnitOfTravel | Required | This should be an Alphanumeric value. Select between Miles or KMS. This is used while calculating mileage distance between start and end address using Google Maps. |
UserType | Required | Categorize users as 'Manager' or 'Employee'. Managers can create as well as approve expense reports. Employee type of user can only create and submit expense reports |
RoleAssigned | Required | Enter different Roles as needed. (Roles are used to segment users. Users assigned to a specific Role will only see Expense Types and Report Types allocated to that Role). If none of this is applicable to you, just default to CORPORATE |
Company | Required | Enter company name. If you have multiple companies, assign users to respective company. This field could be used to derive accounting segment information while integrating with GP or Dimension information while integration with NAV |
BusinessUnit | Required | List business unit that user belongs to, if any. Else, default to NA. This field could be used to derive accounting segment information while integrating with GP or Dimension information while integration with NAV |
CostCenter | Optional | List cost center that user belongs to, if any. This field could be used to derive accounting segment information while integrating with GP or Dimension information while integration with NAV. |
MiscGLCode1 | Optional | Enter user specific VAT1 GL code, if applicable Else leave empty |
MiscGLCode2 | Optional | Enter user specific VAT2 GL code, if applicable Else leave empty |
MiscGLCode3 | Optional | Enter user specific VAT3 GL code, if applicable Else leave empty |
MiscGLCode4 | Optional | Enter user specific VAT4 GL code, if applicable Else leave empty |
APGLCode | Optional | Enter user specific Reimbursable AP GL code for user if applicable |
UserGroup | Optional | Enter usergroup that user belongs to, if applicable. This field could be used to derive accounting segment information while integrating with GP or Dimension information while integration with NAV |
DefaultCurrency | Required | Enter the 3 letter currency code the user gets reimbursed in. For example, USD or CAD |
ManagerActionStatus | Required | Default value is 'Submitted to Manager'. This is the status for 1st level of expense approval (in case of multiple levels of approval) or last level in case of a single level of approval. When the expense report has this status, the manager indicated in the "ManagerEmail" column below will get the expense report for approval. |
ManagerEmail | Required | This should be an Alphanumeric value. This is the MGR1- 1st Level Expense Approval in the approval process (in case of multiple levels of approval) or last level in case of single level of approval. See NOTE #3 for more details |
ExpensePolicyLimit | Optional | If report is >this amount, it will need approval by MGR2. See NOTES for more details. Default to 0 if this field is not applicable |
IsDefault | Optional | Enter YES. Indicates if the approval level is a default approval level. Usually, the first level of approval is marked as YES by default. |
ManagerActionStatusLevel2 | Optional | Default value is 'Manager Approved - Level 1'. This is the status for 2nd level of Expense approval (in case of multiple levels of approval) or last level in case of two levels of Expense approval. When the expense report has this status, the manager indicated in the "ManagerEmailLevel2" column below will get the expense report for approval. |
ManagerEmailLevel2 | Optional | This should be an Alphanumeric value. This is the MGR2- 2nd Level Expense Approval in the approval process (in case of multiple levels of approval) or last level in case of two levels of approval. See NOTE #3 for more details |
ExpensePolicyLimitLevel2 | Optional | If report is >this amount, it will need approval by MGR3 (If defined). Default to 0 if this field is not applicable |
HireDate | Optional | Enter the Hire Date of the employee, if applicable Else leave empty |
TerminationDate | Optional | Enter the Termination Date of the employee, if applicable Else leave empty |
WindowsOrNetworkId | Optional | Enter Windows or NetworkId of the employee, if applicable Else leave empty |
License Type | Required | Options are Expense, Timesheet, Both. Enable timesheet approver related fields if license type is either Timesheet or Both. Enable expense approver related fields if license type is either Expense or Both |
DisableUser? | Required | Enable/Disable Employee In Gorilla Expense -> Auto flagged based on status field on employee card. |
ManagerActionStatusLevel3 | Optional | Default value is 'Manager Approved - Level 2'. This is the status for 3rd level of Expense approval (in case of multiple levels of approval) or last level in case of three levels of Expense approval. When the expense report has this status, the manager indicated in the "ManagerEmailLevel3" column below will get the expense report for approval. |
ManagerEmailLevel3 | Optional | This should be an Alphanumeric value. This is the MGR3- 3rd Level Expense Approval in the approval process (in case of multiple levels of approval) or last level in case of three levels of approval. See NOTE #3 for more details |
ExpensePolicyLimitLevel3 | Optional | If report is >this amount, it will need approval by MGR4 (If defined). Default to 0 if this field is not applicable |
ManagerActionStatusLevel4 | Optional | Default value is 'Manager Approved - Level 3'. This is the status for 4th level of Expense approval (in case of multiple levels of approval) or last level in case of four levels of Expense approval. When the expense report has this status, the manager indicated in the "ManagerEmailLevel4" column below will get the expense report for approval. |
ManagerEmailLevel4 | Optional | This should be an Alphanumeric value. This is the MGR4- 4th Level Expense Approval in the approval process (in case of multiple levels of approval) or last level in case of four levels of approval. See NOTE #3 for more details |
ExpensePolicyLimitLevel4 | Optional | If report is >this amount, it will need approval by MGR5 (If defined). Default to 0 if this field is not applicable |
ManagerActionStatusLevel5 | Optional | Default value is 'Manager Approved - Level 4'. This is the status for 5th level of Expense approval (in case of multiple levels of approval) or last level in case of five levels of Expense approval. When the expense report has this status, the manager indicated in the "ManagerEmailLevel5" column below will get the expense report for approval. |
ManagerEmailLevel5 | Optional | This should be an Alphanumeric value. This is the MGR5- 5th Level Expense Approval in the approval process (in case of multiple levels of approval) or last level in case of five levels of approval. See NOTE #3 for more details |
ExpensePolicyLimitLevel5 | Optional | Default to 0 if this field is not applicable |
1) Gorilla Expense offers two kinds of Manager Approval Workflows
a) Manager approval by SIMPLE HIERARCHY - Here, employee submits report to MGR1 and after MGR1 has approved, it goes to MGR2.
b) Manager approval by AMOUNT - Here, if employee submits a report whose with a value < $X then only MGR1 has to approve and the expense report is approved all levels. If employee submits a report with a value > $X, then after MGR1 approves, it will be sent to MGR2 for approval, before expense report is approved all levels
Prior to importing employee details please make sure the required company, business unit, cost center and roles are configured and present in Gorilla Expense. While importing employee template please make sure all required columns are filled in like user code, role, company, business unit, cost center, first name/last name, phone number, email, user type, vendor, mileage rate etc. You need to import employees first and then assign managers to the employees. Importing employees is the primary aspect before importing expense types and bank profiles.
For a detailed tutorial on how to import employees, please refer - .Employee Data Import Tutorial
For a detailed tutorial on how to assign managers to employees, please refer - Assign Manager(s) to Employee Profiles