
While exporting expenses, you may see the error below in the integration app logs -

Timestamp:9/8/2015 8:20:15 AM Category:Main GP Exception Priority:1  EventId:100 Severity:Critical

                  Title:Exception while processing GP Upload

           Message:GPPayablesInvoiceUpload.cs System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Insufficient authorization to perform this action.

   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)

   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)

   at GorillExpense.IntegrationApp.DynamicsGPService2013Legacy.DynamicsGP.GetPolicyByOperation(String operation, Context context)

   at GorillExpense.IntegrationApp.Classes.GP2013PayablesInvoiceUpload.GPProcessSingleBatch(List`1 exp, List`1 memoFlds, Decimal total_amt)

   at GorillExpense.IntegrationApp.Classes.GP2013PayablesInvoiceUpload.GPProcessSingleExpense(List`1 ListExpenseInfo, List`1 Listsettings, List`1 ListConfigLabelInfo, Boolean _ValidateOnly)


This error indicates that the user does not have access to GP Web Services. To resolve this please do the following  -

If you already do not know where GP Web Services are installed on your network, find the server by going to the users integration app -> Export Expenses->Settings->URL or by logging to Gorilla Expense web as admin and then going to Masters->Company->Edit->URL. The URL has the host name which indicates the server name where GP web services are installed. 

Then remote desktop to this server where GP web services are installed and add the user as a superuser on the GP Web Services Security Console. To do so, follow these steps -

1) Go to Administrative Tools - > Dynamics Security Console

2) Actions-> Select Applications - > Security Admin Service - > Security Service - > Check Dynamics GP Web Service - > Click OK.

3) Expand Microsoft Dynamics Security - > DynamicsGPWebServices-> Role Assignments -> Add and Select the windows user who will be responsible for running the Gorilla Expense Integration Manager to post invoices to GP.

4) Also, select the desired company.



5) Now, go ahead and select the Role as “SuperUser”