Error: While sending an expense report to GP, you may get the following error -


Timestamp:16/07/2015 11:38:42 Category:Main GP Exception Priority:1  EventId:100 Severity:Critical

                  Title:Exception while processing GP Upload

           Message:GPPayablesInvoiceUpload.cs System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: A validation exception has occurred.

Validation Errors:

- An error occurred in the taMCCurrencyValidate procedure

 - An Exchange Table Id default was not foundfor the CurrencyKey and RateType Id. Please check the setup in Great Plains.

   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)

   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)

   at GorillExpense.IntegrationApp.DynamicsGPService2013Legacy.DynamicsGP.CreatePayablesInvoice(PayablesInvoice payablesInvoice, Context context, Policy policy)

   at GorillExpense.IntegrationApp.Classes.GP2013PayablesInvoiceUpload.GPProcessSingleBatch(List`1 exp, List`1 memoFlds, Decimal total_amt)

   at GorillExpense.IntegrationApp.Classes.GP2013PayablesInvoiceUpload.GPProcessSingleExpense(List`1 ListExpenseInfo, List`1 Listsettings, List`1 ListConfigLabelInfo, Boolean _ValidateOnly)


Timestamp:16/07/2015 11:38:42 Category:Update UnSuccessful Priority:1  EventId:1 Severity:Information



Solution: Please follow the steps below

These are the steps to enable multi currency functionality.

1) setup currencies - (Tools - Setup - System - Currency)

2) setup Exchange table for currency - (Tools - Setup - System - Exchange Table)

3) Give access to the currency and exchange table to the company - (Tools - Setup - System - Multicurrency Access)

4) Assign a Rate Type ID to this Exchange Table - (Tools - Setup - Financial - Rate Types)

5) Setup Exchange rates for the currency  (Cards - System - Exchange Table)