Step 1) Role Report Type Mapping
In this section, various report types that have been defined in the application (See Report Type &Roles section in Core Data Set Up) can be assigned to roles. The report type assignment to a role can be single or multiple report types. As a typical example, let’s say a company has defined two report types - Corporate and Project. Now the company may create three different roles – Corporate, Project and All. In the Corporate role, the corporate report type is assigned. In the Project role, the Project report type is assigned. In the All role, the Corporate & Project report types are assigned. Now, when a user’s profile is assigned the All role, that particular user will have the choice of both Corporate and Project report types. Below figures illustrate the example.
Step 2) Role Expense Type Detail Mapping
In this section, additional fields can be enabled at the expense transaction level. The maximum number of fields that can be enabled is eight. These fields can be enabled differently for different roles that are setup in the application (See Role section in core data set up). These fields are shown in the application to the users/managers based on their roles and if the role they belong to have these fields enabled.
Map Expense details to Role
The available fields are shown on the list. To change the labels for these fields see the Configure Label section below. The Enable checkbox column next to the field labels will enable or disable the fields. Similarly, by checking the Mandatory column checkbox the respective fields will be made mandatory for the user to enter data. If not checked, the field will be optional.
If the “Add to Amount” column is checked for a field, the value entered in that field will be added to the value entered in the Amount column.
Similarly, if “Multiply By Amount” is chosen from the dropdown, the value entered into this field, will always be multiplied by Amount field on the transaction screen. Pre-requisite to choose “Multiply By Amount” would be existence of at least one expense type that has “Enable Multiplier” flag checked.
The final column is Data Type, where the admin can choose from four options – Decimal, Text, Integer and Date. The data entered in the field can be set to one of these data types (This field is deprecated – going forward the first 4 fields in the list will always be decimal typically used as tax or tips related fields and the last 4 will always be text related to city, state, country and vendor)
Step 3) Role expense type mapping
In this section, various expense types that have been defined in the application (See Report Type & Role sections in core set up ) can be assigned to roles. Any user who is assigned to a specific role will only see the expense types associated with that role. If no expenses types are associated, then the user will see all expense types (which is also the default behavior)
Map Expense Types to Role
When the Get Expense Type Details Button is clicked, the admin can select the Expense type to be mapped to the role selected
Step 4) Report Type Mapping
In this section, additional fields can be enabled or disabled at the header level and transaction level of an expense report for a certain report type. The setup can be done differently for different report types. The admin will first need to select a report type from the drop down. Once this is done, the admin can either setup the header level fields by clicking on the Header Details button or setup the transaction level fields by clicking on the Expense Details button. Below Figure shows the first screen the admin will see in this section
When the Header Details button for a particular selected Report Type is clicked, Above figure is seen. The main fields here are:
Job/Project Number: This field refers to job or project numbers defined in the system by the admin. (See Job/Project Number section below for more details)
Class/Customer: This field refers to classes or customers defined in the system by the admin. (See Class/Customer section below for more details)
Ref/Invoice: This field allows the user to enter a reference or invoice number at the header level of the expense report. Depending on the integration requirements, entries in this field can be sent to select ERP/Accounting systems. (Contact Gorilla Expense to discuss specific requirements)
Cash Advance:This field allows the user to enter a cash advance value at the header level of the expense report. The same value will also be displayed at the bottom of the expense report, shown as cash advance, for reconciliation purposes.
The checkboxes in the ’Show Field’ column will enable these fields when checked or disable them when unchecked. As the name suggests, the Mandatory and Optional columns will make the fields mandatory or optional for the user to make entries; when the respective radio button is selected. If the field is made mandatory and the user does not make an entry, the application with provide an error message prompting the user to enter information.
The Enforce Validation column only applies to the Job/Project and Class/Customer fields and the check box will become visible when these fields are enabled. When the Enforce Validation is checked, the users will only be able to make a selection from a pre-defined list that has been setup the admin in the respective sections.
If this is unchecked, the user will not only be able to select from a list of pre-defined entries but also add new entries if needed. These new entries are then registered in the system for future use.
When the Expense Details button is clicked, below figure is seen. The main fields here are:
· Project Task: This field allows the user to enter a project task value. The field allows for alphanumeric entries
· Other Co-Workers: This field provides a list of other co-workers setup in the application. The list of co-workers is sorted alphabetically. The user can choose to select multiple co-workers from the list. The user can also add a new co-worker on the web and mobile applications.
· Other Comments: This field allows the user to enter additional comments for a transaction.
The check-boxes shown next to the fields will enable these fields when checked or disable them when unchecked. As the name
suggests, the Mandatory and Optional columns will make the fields mandatory or optional for the user to make entries; when the
respective radio button is selected. If the field is made mandatory and the user does not make an entry, the application with provide
an error message prompting the user to enter information.