This solution provides the detailed information on each column available in the .Expense Type Data Import Template 


For a detailed tutorial on how to import expense types, please refer - Expense Type Data Import Tutorial 

Column Name  Required/Optional  Description 

EXP_Type Required This is the expense type description that users will see. This list will be sorted in ascending order when presented to the user. An example for Meals for Project related expenses could be Meals - Project or Project - Meals. Depending on the expense type list of your organization, you may prefer one way or the other. It is important that expense type descriptions are determined keeping this in mind. You can always edit these expense type descriptions later, but we recommend to identify the most intuitive descriptions upfront
EXP_ERPId Required This should match the GL Accounting Code as setup in the ERP system
IsPolicy_Applicable Required Is there an amount based policy for the expense type? Either 'YES or NO'
Policy_Limit_Amount Required What is the policy amount? If Policy_Limit_Amount = Yes else it can be '0'
IsMilage_Exp_Type Required If this is mileage type expense, type YES else NO
Alternate_Amt_Label Optional The Amount field label will be renamed to the alternate label as defined here when this expense type is selected
Alternate_Rate_Label Optional The Conv. Rate field label will be renamed to the alternate label as defined here when this expense type is selected
Budget_Amount Optional This field specifies the budget associated with this particular expense type. Budget can be specified in a foreign currency as well, in which case, the Budget_Currency_Rate and Budget_Currency_Code will have to be specified, else these fields can be left with default values (1 and USD for example)
Budget_Converted_Amount Optional Budget_Amount field converted into Amount in system currency or the currency specified in the Budget_Currency_code. Unless, you are specifying Budget_Amount in a foreign currency, Budget_Amount and Budget_Converted_Amount will be the same
Budget_Currency_Rate Optional Defaulted to 1. This field is used when you want to track budget in foreign currency
Budget_Currency_Code Optional Defaulted to system currency. This is a three letter currency ISO code (USD, EUR etc)
Is_Closed Optional Enter Open or Closed value to indicate if the budget is to be tracked
Budget_Type Optional Enter System or User value to indicate if the budget is applicable for this expense type across entire system for all users combined or if the budget is applicable for this expense type for each individual user
Budget_Is_Enabled Optional Enter Yes or No value to indicate if the budget on this particular expense type is enabled

Prior to importing expense types please make sure employees are imported correctly.