Below GP web service exception is received in the Gorilla Expense integration app logs. First check if the Web Service URL & Exception Console are accessible. If both are accessible, then follow the solution given below. Else, go to this link for the applicable solution


Timestamp:09/06/2014 15:17:25 Category:Main GP Exception Priority:1  EventId:100 Severity:Critical

                  Title:Exception while processing GP Upload

           Message:GPPayablesInvoiceUpload.cs System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: The application encountered an unhandled system exception.  Contact your system administrator for details.



1) Go to GP Web Service Exception Console

2) All Exceptions -> System Exceptions

3) Confirm if you find the following detailed exception - The INSERT statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint "CK__PM00400__DOCDATE__7E22B05D". The conflict occurred in database "BSBF", table "dbo.PM00400", column 'DOCDATE'.

4) Proceed only if the above error is found in the exception manager console

5) If this is the case, please change the timezone to US timezone on the server where GP web services are installed. Also, change the time zone on the server /PC where integration app is installed. This can be done by going to "Date and Time" link in the control panel

6) Go to "Region and Language" on the server where GP web services are installed and make sure the date format is English (US). Do the same on the server/PC where integration app is installed. "Region and Language" link can be found under control panel. Please see the screenshot below.

7) Bottom line is to make sure the date and time formats on the web service and integration app servers match with GP. Integration app will have issues if you try to post to GP US server using an integration app and/or web services installed on the UK server