While pushing expense to GP via the Gorilla Expense Integration App, you may get the error shown below. As per the error, the GL account does not exist in GP. Please make sure the GL Account mentioned in the error exists in GP, OR if there is a Typo in Gorilla Expense, update the expense type ERP ID column on the web application. To update this field, login as ADMIN, go to Masters -> Expense Type. Once the account is updated, please click on "Reload" in the integration app, before pushing the expenses again to GP

     Message:Exception while processing Expense Record GE106-0 Transaction Count - 2Amount - 100.0000 Credit Entity - Cash Currency USDFirst ERP Account ID ---61106-085-0000-00000-085 Exception Message - System.Web.Services.Protocols.

SoapException: A validation exception has occurred.

Validation Errors:

- GLAccountKey does not exist.

It is also possible that sometimes the account exists, but is marked as inactive.  In that case you will get the following error -

Validation Errors:

- The Account passed is inactive in Account Maintenance and you can not pass an inactive account


Click on "Validate Expense Report" button on the integration app. This button can be accessed by going to "File->Export Expenses -> Button is present on the bottom right next to the "Reload" button.

Once you click "Validate Expense Report" it should show you all validation errors when you click "View Report" button. On this report all invalid GL accounts will be listed. 

Once you find the invalid GL accounts, verify if they are open for posting in GP or are valid accounts in GP.